The Virginia State Council Training Room delivers content to help you in your Council and District leadership roles.  This material complements the training resources provided by Supreme.


Check back often as we will be regularly posting new content such as upcoming training opportunities, updates, and resource guides.


Leadership Training Presentations

July 13, 2024 Organizational Meeting

If you were unable to attend the Organizational Meeting or want to review the material covered, click the following applicable links:

June 15, 2024 Pre-Organizational Meeting 

If you were unable to attend the Pre-Organizational Meeting or want to review the material covered, click the following applicable links:

Upcoming Training and Open Forums
(Click the link to join or sign-up for the event)

Officers Online Forum Dates and Times and Zoom Meeting Links

Upcoming Supreme Webinars
(Click the link to sign up for the event)

District Deputy Training: Part Three: July 16, 2024, 8:00 PM

Creating and Using Council Budgets: July 23, 2024, 10:00 PM

Grand Knight Training: Part Three: July 24, 2024, 8:00 PM

The Supreme Council maintains a library of On Demand Training videos if you miss a webinar for your office or want to explore leadership or council operations topics.

Quick Reference Guides
(Click a Topic to View)

Council Meeting GuidanceUsing the Gavel
Agenda -- Council MeetingHow to Make A Motion
Agenda -- Officers Planning MeetingHow to Amend a Motion
Committee ReportsWays to Vote on Motions
Program ReportsThe Grand Knight's Vote
What to do when someone "Calls the Motion"

Why should I fill out forms?Star Council Checklist
Exemplification Charity ScriptDistrict Deputy Cheat Sheet
Virginia Knights of Columbus Charities - KOVAR & VKCCI

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