QR-coded Online Registration Small Signs

AMI GuidebookNew Council Initiative
Before You Send That Notice of "Intent to Retain"Membership Recruitment
Council Development & Retention Guidelines (Supreme Handbook 10506)KofC Membership Drive
Early Efforts That Enhance RetentionCouncil Church Drives
Enhancing Member ExperienceKofC Church Drive
Knowing Who You Are Trying To BootCouncil Open House
Late Stage Efforts to Enhance RetentionKofC Open House
Membership Action PlanFriends Recruiting Friends
Member Interest Survey
Member Requests WithdrawalStages of Life
New Member OrientationPower of One
On-Going Efforts That Enhance RetentionEnglish-Spanish Exemplification Script
Organizational Meeting PitchMember Interest Survey -- Form 1842
Reclamation Process Timeline
Retention Minded From the Outset
Retention Data Sheet
Shining Armor Award
Sponsor Responsibilities
Your Brother Knights Miss You
Roundtable Guidelines (Form 2632 3-13)Supreme Knight on Membership
Membership 3R's PowerPointMembership Recruitment Training
How to Recruit Guide (Form 2769 12-11)Recruitment Blitz
Leadership Recruiting Guide (Form 9290)The Power of One
Sample Pulpit Announcement (Form 2678 2-08)Be the Difference
Shoulder-Shoulder (Form 4355)KofC Heroes 20110623
Family Recruit (Form 4552 10-04)KofC Legacy 20110623
How to Become A Knight -- English-FillableExperience of a Lifetime
Como Convertirse en Caballo -- Español-LlenableAl Fuentes -- Why I'm a Knight
Como Convertirse en Caballo -- Español-LlenableChris Godfrey -- Why I'm a Knight
Knights Information QR Label -- EnglishChris Godfrey and the Knights of Columbus
How to Become A Knight -- QR CodeMike Foss -- Why I'm a Knight
Council Meeting Plan -- English-ChangeableMike Foss and the Knights of Columbus