Posted here are the most recent newsletters that have been received from our Assemblies.
To have your newsletter posted, submit a PDF of the newsletter to
File name should be in this format: A-XXXX-mon-YYYY.pdf
where XXXX is the Assembly number, “mon” is the 3 letter abbreviation for the month and “YYYY” is the year.
Fr. Matthew J. O’Keefe Assembly 1162
Commodore John Barry Assembly 1163
Richmond Assembly 1165
Father Edwin F Kelly Assembly 1443
Fr. Nicholas J. Habets Assembly 1505
Rappahnnock Assembly 1613
Bishop J. Louis Flaherty Assembly 1678
Fr. Walter F. Malloy Assembly 1894
All Saints Assembly 2185
Msgr. John J. McMahon Assembly 2205
ACTS of the Apostles Assembly 2411
Fr. Charles J. Watters Assembly 2888
Fathers Cilinski Assembly 3568