Fourth Degree Forms
- Form 4 – Fourth Degree Membership Document (Fillable PDF)
- VS1 – Assembly Officers & Contact Information
- VS2 – Sir Knight of the Year (Word Document)
- VS3 – Assembly of the Year (Word Document)
- VS4 – Delegates to the Biennial Meeting (Fillable PDF) – This form is required every two years prior to the Biennial Meeting.
- If the form is fillable PDFs, it can be saved after the information is added. To save the information, save as a PDF with the name of your choice. The PDF you have saved can then be submitted electronically or printed and mailed.
- If the form is a Word Document, the form will be downloaded and must be accessed by opening the file that is identified in the lower left hand corner of screen. The form can be printed and the information entered by hand, or the information can be added to the form in WORD. Once the information has been typed in, delete the unneeded spaces and save under a new name. The form can then be submitted electronically or printed and mailed.